Prepaid hours voucher in TimeGuru
Overview of prepaid hours vouchers
Using TimeGuru projects for hour vouchers is useful if you sell prepaid hours and need to follow consumption until empty. Read More
Using TimeGuru projects for hour vouchers is useful if you sell prepaid hours and need to follow consumption until empty. Read More
From your dashboard, you can request vacation and your leader can approve it. Read More
It has never been easier to manage payroll, overtime, fees and time tracking. With this module you get full flexibility in setup and easy input on mobile, tablet and PC.
This video gives you a walk-through of the planning module’s functions, settings and integration to other modules in the system. The planning module is nicely integrated in the whole system, making it easier to plan and register time (among other things).
Click here to watch the video about the planning module.
It’s very easy to get TimeGuru on your iPhone. All you have to do is follow these 5 simple steps. Read More
It’s very easy to get TimeGuru on your iPhone. All you have to do is follow these 5 simple steps. Read More
Create departments and attach colleagues to them. A department has a department leader and a department colour in the planning module. Reports and planning can be grouped or filtered per department.
When a user accepts the invitation for the company’s TimeGuru system, he/she will be visible in the user list. As an administrator, you have access to the company specific information. For example when leave and flextime is calculated from, access level and department.
Project groups is used for gathering projects or project hierarchies across the system. You can use this if you for example wish to have an overview of projects of a certain type, across customers, project leaders or other dimensions.
This video will show you how to create activities for time registration. Activities is often used for internal registration or for registration on customers and/or project where you want to differ between the type of work. Cost elements with “cost price”, “sales price” and “valid from date” can be attached to activities for invoices and economy reports.
For example, a revision company could divide their activities into bookkeeping for a specific hourly wage and revision for another hourly wage. Then when the monthly invoicing for the customer comes around, you can create invoice lines respectively for bookkeeping and revision. The system will already know the prices. Price regulations are made on attached cost elements and will automatically take over on the selected date.